December 11, 2019 12.08 pm This story is over 54 months old

Lincoln charity to auction tribute to bizarre modern art piece

The banana looks like it’s on the turn, to be honest

A Lincoln charity will auction off its own tribute to a bizarre modern art piece of a banana taped to a wall, which took the world by storm when it went on sale for $120,000.

St Barnabas Hospice will open up the mock piece to offers on eBay for £4.99 from 8pm on Wednesday, December 11 for four days.

Mick O’Shea created the piece for charity and said it was a ‘fantastic opportunity to own a brave and significant statement piece’.

He added that it would look at home “on the wall of any modern art gallery or allotment shed. Get your bids in now!”

It is a tribute to the ‘Comedian’ wall installation by Maurizio Cattelan, which was recently exhibited at the Miami Basal Art Gallery and eaten by David Datuna.

Find the listing on the charity’s eBay page.

It even has a witty and all too realistic description: “It is an intelligent juxtaposition of the perfect vitality of nature’s vitality against the hard, unchanging and synthetic backing of the MDF display space.

“The piece of fruit, aging as it does with brown spots is possibly a comment on man’s mortality and the MDF perhaps is a comment on the false nature of man-made artifacts, as it is laminated with a faux wood-grain effect.”

It is a parody listing but the charity insists that there is a serious point behind it, with all of the money raised going to help those who are terminally ill.