December 18, 2019 11.05 am This story is over 54 months old

Mystery as Lincoln swans found ‘covered in oil’

The charity rescuing the birds fear that they may need to rescue even more

A charity has rescued three swans covered in oil from Lincoln and fear that they may have to take in more.

Yorkshire Swan & Wildlife Rescue Hospital said it was deeply concerned by the number of swans emerging from the water in the city with oil in their feathers.

The charity has had reports from Stamp End and the Brayford Pool areas, but believes that the problem could stretch even further.

It will take up to four weeks for the vets to clean the swans and ensure that they are fully waterproofed against the cold winter weather.

They are looking after the swans.

A spokesperson told The Lincolnite: “We are deeply concerned. We’ve had three swans covered in contamination arrive into our care from Lincoln.

“We have a further number of swans which we may have to rescue today given their poor waterproofing. Volunteers are monitoring the swans.

“At the moment we are not aware of where the oil is coming from but we have reported the incident to the Environment Agency.”

Anyone who thinks they may have seen a swan that’s come into contact with pollution can call the charity on 07763 424892.

The Lincolnite contacted the Environment Agency about the reported contamination incident but has received no response at the time of writing.