January 31, 2020 4.13 pm This story is over 60 months old

Voice of Lincoln: How will you celebrate Brexit Day?

People on the streets of Lincoln gave their views

The day is finally here and, whatever side of the fence you sit on regarding Brexit, the UK will formally leave the EU at 11pm on Friday night.

Friday, January 31 marks the official departure date for the UK to begin leaving the EU and start of a transitional period, allowing businesses and government to prepare the post-Brexit arrangements. It will also mark the start of negotiations over trade with the EU.

Lincolnshire County Council flew a number of flags from its buildings in order to mark ‘Brexit Day’, but will people in Lincoln be celebrating or drowning their sorrows?

Arch Hibbert said: “I voted to leave for many reasons, but I think there’s a better future in terms of the markets that it can open up to us worldwide, it’s a much better prospect.

“I just felt we were being ripped off by Europe in how much they were charging us for being a member.”

Harriett Mawson, however, feels “very apprehensive” about this situation saying: “I don’t think it’s going to end well, but it’s going to be the later generations that suffer for it.

“It’s predominately the above 60s that voted for it, but it’s going to be my generation and younger that are going to have to deal with the consequences of this.”

Michael Singh feels sad about the situation, adding: “It’s a strange thing to leave a well-established union which has kept peace in Europe for more than 50-60 years and our closest trading partner and a leap into the unknown.”

Some were left with mixed feelings, including Aidan McLoughlin, who feels indifferent about the situation. When asked if the UK can make a success of Brexit, he said: “Potentially, it has its limitations, but its benefits too. I was originally a remain voter, but it’s been going on so long as the moment I’m just indifferent.”