February 19, 2020 3.32 pm This story is over 54 months old

Lincoln man, 102, fights off Ermine doorstep scammer

The victims were elderly and vulnerable

A 102-year-old man managed to fight off an intruder who tried to force his way into his home, less than an hour after a woman in her 90s was targeted on the same estate.

The two burglaries happened in the Ermine area of Lincoln on the afternoon of Tuesday, February 18.

At just after 1pm a man pushed his way past the occupant of a house on Laughton Way, a disabled woman in her 90s, before stealing cash and bank cards.

Then, at around 1.45pm, a man told the occupant of a house on Woodhall Drive that he was there to check the lights.

The occupant, a man aged 102, realised this was a scam and refused entry but the offender pushed past him into the house.

The victim, later identified as ‘John’ in a BBC feature, then managed to push the offender out of the house and nothing was taken. He was taken to hospital with extensive bruising and cuts.

He told the BBC it was the second attack on the home he shares with wife Joan, 97, in six months. They are warning others about the risks of opening the door to strangers.

We are investigating both burglaries but they are not being linked at this stage.

Chief Inspector Phil Baker said: “These two incidents are clearly concerning because they involve elderly and vulnerable victims.

“In both incidents the offender has used force to push past the occupants and, in one case, stolen cash.

“Any information relating to these incidents is important, so I would please ask anyone who can help our investigations to contact us.

“I’d also appeal for those who have elderly neighbours to regularly look out for them and check that they are ok.”