February 7, 2020 9.04 am This story is over 54 months old

Scunthorpe men violently beat victim with wheel brace

The pair have both been jailed

Two Scunthorpe men have each been jailed for eight years for violently beating their victim with a wheel brace.

John Wass, 34, of no fixed abode and Marc Davies, 39, of Warley Road in Scunthorpe were sentenced after they pleaded guilty at Grimsby Crown Court.

The victim was at home with his wife and daughter when Wass and Davies entered his house and shouted for him on Thursday, November 28, 2019.

The pair then ran upstairs where they began to beat the victim with a wheel brace, hitting him repeatedly in the head and body, continuing even when he fell to the floor.

He managed to escape the property and ran to a neighbour’s for safety. The men followed him and a second violent attack took place at that address.

The victim was rushed to hospital with serious injuries after the attacks.

Detective Inspector Vicky Huyton said: “The attack that these men committed was absolutely abhorrent and completely inexcusable and the victim, and his family, will have to live with the impact of that day for the rest of their lives.

“I am reassured that these violent men are now off our streets for a significant period of time.

“The sentencing today (February 6) is a clear message to them, and others like them, that violence will not be accepted and we will pursue cases against anyone that commits offences of this nature.”