April 10, 2020 11.19 am This story is over 57 months old

Work starts soon on £630k flood prevention project in village near Lincoln

It will protect up to 50 homes

Up to 50 homes will be protected in a village near Lincoln thanks to a new £630,000 scheme to prevent flooding.

In 2012, 22 properties were flooded in Digby and this new project will see a drainage channel built on the east side of the village, running between North Street and Station Road.

The channel will take rainwater away and discharge it into Digby Beck, downstream of the village. This will reduce the risk that it will flood homes in Digby and the finished drainage channel will be planted with wildflowers, shrubs and trees.

Work will begin on Tuesday, April 14 and is expected to take six months.

During the works there will be two road diversions in place at different times: the first at Station Road and followed by a second at North Street – click here for details of the diversions.

Lincolnshire County Council said it will make sure staff follow the latest advice on social distancing and keeping their hands clean to prevent the spread of the coronavirus during the works.

The county council is leading on the project, with funding from the Environment Agency (Grant In Aid funding) and Anglian Water. The Internal Drainage Board will take over maintenance of the finished drainage channel.

Councillor Rob Kendrick, Digby’s county councillor, said: “Unfortunately we’ve seen flooding become a new norm for Lincolnshire, and many will understand first-hand the devastating consequences that flooding can have on homes, livelihoods and communities.

“This is why it is vital that we continue to invest in projects like this which drastically reduce the risk and bring peace of mind to local residents.”

Councillor Colin Davie, executive member for economy and place, added: “In these uncertain times – in the midst of a global pandemic – we have been working with our contractors to ensure the safety of those working on this important flooding project.

“We will make sure staff can follow the latest advice on social distancing and keep their hands clean, to prevent the spread of the coronavirus.”