September 24, 2020 3.56 pm This story is over 52 months old

Major 750 home development in Gainsborough approved

On land allocated for 2,500 houses

Outline plans for 750 new homes in Gainsborough have been given the go ahead.

Thonock and Somerby Estates’ plans for land north east of the Highfields roundabout with Corringham Road was approved by officers at a delegated level at West Lindsey District Council.

The site is allocated under the adopted Central Lincolnshire Local Plan as part of a Sustainable Urban Extension Allocation for the Gainsborough Northern Neighbourhood SUE, where a total of 129 hectares of land is earmarked for 2,500 homes.

The homes will be a mix of two, three, four and five bedroom homes and will be accessed from Sweyn Lane.

It will also include open spaces and sports pitches.

The approval is subject to any Section 106 agreements including £474,375 towards health and £1.6million towards primary school provision.

In response to the plans Gainsborough Town Council said the development was in line with the local plan but called for more engagement with the authority.

Corringham Parish Council however objected to the plans saying they felt consultation was misleading and raising concerns over the number of houses included in the masterplan for the area.

Concerns were also raised about the impact on nearby roads and infrastructure such as health and school facilities.