January 18, 2021 5.29 pm This story is over 41 months old

372 COVID-19 cases, nine deaths in Greater Lincolnshire on Monday

Infections and deaths drop as 4m vaccinated

There have been 372 new coronavirus cases and nine COVID-related deaths in Greater Lincolnshire on Monday.

The government’s COVID-19 dashboard recorded 325 new cases in Lincolnshire, 30 in North Lincolnshire and 17 in North East Lincolnshire.

Some nine deaths were registered in Lincolnshire and none in North and North East Lincolnshire. These figures include deaths both in and out of hospitals, as well as residents in hospitals outside the county.

NHS England reported nine new local hospital deaths at United Lincolnshire Hospitals Trust and one at Northern Lincolnshire and Goole NHS Foundation Trust on Monday. Hospital deaths have now surpassed 1,000 since the pandemic started in Greater Lincolnshire.

National cases increased by 37,535 to 3,433,494, while deaths rose by 599 to 89,860.

COVID-19 outbreaks with up to 100 cases at two South Holland care homes pushed up the district’s infection rate over the weekend.

Leader of South Holland District Council, Cllr Lord Gary Porter, put the spike down to outbreaks in two care facilities, one being a children’s care home.

A group of urban explorers who travelled from three different counties to look around derelict buildings were caught and fined in Grantham for breaching lockdown rules. Two groups of revellers in the woods near Woodhall Spa have also been fined.

In national news, Public Health England have confirmed 4,062,501 people have received a first dose of a COVID-19 vaccine.

Those in England aged 70 and over, as well as the clinically extremely vulnerable, will begin receiving offers of a coronavirus vaccine this week.

More than five million people – from priority groups three and four – will be invited from Monday to have the jab.

Ten hospital trusts across England consistently reported having no spare adult critical care beds in the most recent figures available.

It comes as hospital waiting times, coronavirus admissions and patients requiring intensive care are rising.

All UK travel corridors, which allow arrivals from some countries to avoid having to quarantine, have now closed until at least February 15.

Travellers arriving in the UK, whether by boat, train or plane, also have to show proof of a negative coronavirus test to be allowed entry.

Supermarkets face increased inspections from local councils to ensure they are COVID-secure amid a push from the government to clamp down further on coronavirus transmission.

Local governments have been asked by ministers to target the largest supermarkets for inspection to ensure companies are enforcing mask wearing, social distancing and limits on shopper numbers.

Here’s Greater Lincolnshire’s infection rate up to January 17 according to the government dashboard:

Greater Lincolnshire’s infection rates from Jan 11 to Jan 17. | Data: Gov UK / Table: James Mayer for The Lincolnite

Coronavirus data for Greater Lincolnshire on Monday, January 18

Greater Lincolnshire includes Lincolnshire and the unitary authorities of North and North East (Northern) Lincolnshire.

44,374 cases (up 372)

  • 30,784 in Lincolnshire (up 325)
  • 6,927 in North Lincolnshire (up 30)
  • 6,663 in North East Lincolnshire (up 17)

1,686 deaths (up nine)

  • 1,196 from Lincolnshire (up nine)
  • 268 from North Lincolnshire (no change)
  • 222 from North East Lincolnshire (no change)

of which 1,006 hospital deaths (up 10)

  • 612 at United Lincolnshire Hospitals Trust (up nine)
  • 30 at Lincolnshire Community Health Service hospitals (no change)
  • 1 at Lincolnshire Partnership Foundation Trust (no change)
  • 363 in Northern Lincolnshire (NLAG) (up one)

3,433,494 UK cases, 89,860 deaths

DATA SOURCE — FIGURES CORRECT AT THE TIME OF the latest update. postcode data includes deaths not in healthcare facilities or in hospitals outside authority boundaries.