January 26, 2021 5.28 pm This story is over 43 months old

Lincoln Speakers’ Corner works on track for summer completion

The bad weather hasn’t had an impact

By Local Democracy Reporter

Phase two of the works at Speakers’ Corner in Lincoln is well underway and expected to finish on schedule this summer.

Phase two, which began on Monday, January 11, will see existing paving upgraded, as well as new street furniture being installed.

It will follow the first phase which was completed and open to the public on December 22, with a new bench put in place around the existing London Plane tree, instead of the demolished kiosk.

Speakers Corner bench is in place, but closed off until phase two paving works are finished. | Photo: The Lincolnite

Site setup for phase two is complete, with workers on site currently digging out the existing hard paving standings at the Cornhill.

A large portion of the area has been fenced off while work takes place, leaving just two pedestrian strips on either side to access both the High Street and the Cornhill Quarter.

There is limited access in the area while works take place. | Photo: The Lincolnite

Despite the cold and wet weather throughout January, progress of the paving removal has not been affected.

This means that phase two works are still on course to be finished in summer this year.

It is hoped that once the area is completed, the walkways will blend in with those at Exchange Square, as well as utilising the space for events.

A look at how the finished development will look. | Illustration: City of Lincoln Council