September 29, 2021 11.40 am This story is over 33 months old

Beloved ‘Princess’ tiger sedated at Lincolnshire Wildlife Park

The park is awaiting blood test results

A beloved Bengal tiger called Princess was sedated for a health screening to be carried out and Lincolnshire Wildlife Park now faces an anxious wait to find out the blood results.

Princess is one of nine Bengal tigers, and a visitors’ favourite, at Lincolnshire Wildlife Park in Friskney near Boston.

The female tiger recently fell poorly and needed urgent blood samples to find out what was causing her upset. The zoo’s veterinarian team attended on Tuesday afternoon where a successful sedation was carried out.

A successful sedation was carried out by the zoo’s veterinarian team. | Photo: Lincolnshire Wildlife Park

The sedation was carried out by the zoo’s firearms team and led by the lead vet Ian from Fenwold Vets in Spilsby in order to complete a health screening and take samples of blood for analysis. The blood results are expected to arrive back within 48 hours.

Lincolnshire Wildlife Park has one of the largest collections of Bengal tigers in the UK and CEO Steve Nichols shares an unbreakable bond with Princess.

The park’s CEO Steve Nichols has an unbreakable bond with Princess. | Photo: Lincolnshire Wildlife Park

Princess the Bengal tiger was sedated for a health screening to be carried out and has now come round. | Photo: Lincolnshire Wildlife Park

It is thankfully rare that any of the Bengal tigers needs veterinary attention and Steve is now ensuring Princess is as comfortable as she has now come round from her sedation.

He said: “Princess has been with us for a number of years now and we have an unbelievable bond. It’s sad to see her unwell and losing weight.

“We just hope that the blood results come back quickly so we can get her the treatment she requires.”