May 2, 2022 12.00 pm This story is over 25 months old

JVT heading to Lincolnshire to thank 1,000 ‘overstretched’ GPs as workload almost doubles

GPs’ workload increased by over 40% during pandemic

Around 1,000 NHS GP staff from across Lincolnshire will be thanked for their work during the COVID-19 pandemic at a special event featuring Professor Jonathan Van-Tam.

JVT, the Deputy Chief Medical Officer for Engalnd during the pandemic, will be speaking at the Lincolnshire Showground on Friday, July 15 for the COVID-19 Recognition and Reflection Conference.

It comes as overstretched GPs saw their workload increase by more than 40% during the pandemic, and event organisers, the Lincolnshire Local Medical Committee (LMC), want to give something back to the doctors on the frontline.

Rosa Wyldeman, operations officer at the LMC, said: “The workload of an already overstretched general practice increased by over 40% during the pandemic and it will not be reverting back.

“These frontline NHS staff put aside their own fears about the virus to ensure care continued.

“We would like to recognise their huge achievement, having massively changed the way they worked in the face of adversity to ensure that patient care continues to be accessible to all.

“We will also be thanking them for giving up their days off to support the vaccination programme. We will bring all Lincolnshire general practice staff together after such a long battle through the pandemic, with inspirational speakers including Prof Jonathan Van-Tam.”

JVT grew up in Boston and was recently given Freedom of the Borough. He became a household name during the COVID-19 pandemic when he appeared on regular TV broadcasts alongside Prime Minister Boris Johnson, updating the nation on the latest statistics and advice.

Professor Van-Tam has since stepped down from his role as Deputy Chief Medical Officer and returned to the University of Nottingham, in a new role as the Pro-Vice-Chancellor for Faculty of Medicine and Health Services.

The LMC is a not for profit organisation that supports the county’s GPs and their practice teams. More information about the event at the Showground is available here.