May 20, 2022 3.36 pm This story is over 25 months old

Six arrests in paedophile online investigation team action

One man was recalled to prison

Over the last three weeks, our Paedophile Online Investigation Team (POLIT) have executed three days of action across the County which included enforcement, engagement and safeguarding visits in the community.

As a result of this proactive policing, six arrests were made, one man was recalled to prison for breach of a sexual harm prevention order, thirteen safeguarding/educational visits were conducted and six proactive enforcements were executed…(and seven swords seized!).

The aim of the days of action were to investigate, educate, enforce and safeguard.

Detective Sgt Sam Ward joined POLIT in February and coordinated the three days of action. He said: “We are extremely grateful for the support we have been given across the board for these days of action, and very proud of the results of our combined efforts. We achieved so much and that was really down to the dedicated and positive efforts of everyone involved. Their efforts have helped make the County safer for our children and safeguarded victims and potential victims from harm.”

Using section 32 powers, door knocking and planned visits the POLIT days of action demonstrate to our communities that indecent images of children will not be tolerated, and a clear message to offenders that we will come for you.

Contributing towards the success of the activity, Special Constable Al Mackenzie volunteered his time. SC MacKenzie said, “Providing an additional resource is what the Special Constabulary is all about. The team achieved great success with this work and I was glad to be a part of it. Actually getting out there and letting people know the job that we do is really important.” For his day job, Al is a Child Protection Consultant, and speaks to children and young people in education settings. DS ward described him as an “invaluable asset.”

The days of action took place across the County with activities focused in Lincoln, Grantham and Boston. In Lincoln two arrests were made, one educational visit, two proactive enforcements and three safeguarding visits. Officers also seized seven swords – an excellent result and timed nicely with the Op Raptor intensification week. Gratham saw one arrest, two safeguarding visits, one educational visit and four proactive enforcements. In Boston there were three arrests for online offences, one recall to prison for breach of a Sexual Harm Prevention Order and six visits to investigate, educate, and safeguard.

If you have information about anyone you believe possesses, distributes, makes or takes indecent images of children call us on 101 (999 if there is immediate danger) or call Crimestoppers on 0800 111 555.

For confidential support for yourself to address your own behaviour, or if you have concerns about the behaviour of someone you know, you can visit Stop it Now or call 0808 1000 900.