January 26, 2023 11.30 am This story is over 17 months old

Councillors approve flats after developer improves formerly “exquisitely ugly” scheme

18 flats across three buildings

The site of a former Lincoln pub will be turned into flats after the developer improved previously “exquisitely ugly” proposals.

The City of Lincoln Council’s Planning Committee on Wednesday approved the plans to build 18 flats across three buildings submitted by Steve Hanham of Imp Property Limited.

The original plans had been for 27 flats across a three storey building to the front of the site and two two-and-a-half storey buildings to the rear.

However, following discussions with officers the plans and buildings were reduced to include a two storey building fronting Boultham Park Road with similar heights to the back.

Officers had been concerned that the mass and design of the buildings would be “out of scale and character” with the area, with harmful impacts caused by issues such as  overlooking and loss of light.

During the meeting, Councillor Calum Watt, said: “Earlier versions of this application, were probably would not have got through this committee they were, in basic terms, quite exquisitely ugly and I’m quite pleased with the visual amenity considerations that have been given to this.”

Councillors asked the developer to pay £86,048 towards affordable housing, the NHS and education.

The Victory Hotel has been demolished for some time.

Originally they were asked to pay £587,279.04, however, this was reduced following an assessment which said some of the costs would make the scheme unviable.

Councillor Rebecca Longbottom said she was pleased to see more housing approved and that it was on a brownfield site.

“I’m disappointed that the developers contributions aren’t as great as that as they might have been, but at least there is there is something coming from the developer.”

The application had received some support from local residents, however, objectors had raised ongoing concerns around the height of the scheme, loss of light and overlooking as well as insufficient parking and highways safety issues.