April 7, 2023 8.05 pm This story is over 13 months old

Sperm whale feared dead on Cleethorpes beach

10-metre long sperm whale washed up on Cleethorpes beach

A 10-metre long sperm whale has been found washed up on Cleethorpes beach in Lincolnshire, shocking beachgoers and local residents alike.

It was discovered on the popular beach on the morning of April 7, with the police and the British Divers Marine Life Rescue (BDMLR) responding to the scene to investigate the incident.

Sperm whales are the largest toothed whales and one of the most powerful predators on the planet. They are usually found in deep waters and rarely venture near the shoreline.

| Photo: GMP

Their presence in shallow waters such as Cleethorpes beach is highly unusual, raising concerns about the health of marine life in the area.

According to a statement from Yorkshire and Lincolnshire BDMLR, the sperm whale was first spotted in the water around midday, where it was listing to one side and eventually became stranded.

HM Coastguard and Cleethorpes beach safety team were able to provide photographs for positive identification and keep the public safe .

Marine experts suspect that the male specimen was likely disoriented and stranded in the shallow waters. Once a sperm whale becomes beached, it is difficult for it to return to the ocean due to its massive size and the inability to properly navigate in shallow waters. This can lead to stress, dehydration, and ultimately death.

The discovery of the sperm whale on Cleethorpes beach has sparked conversations about the impact of human activities on marine life. Many marine mammals, including whales, are known to be affected by pollution, overfishing, and climate change, leading to changes in their habitat and food sources.