June 25, 2014 9.29 am This story is over 122 months old

Lincoln pupils complete in ‘Tryathalon’ sport challenge

Lincoln pupils try hard: More than 300 pupils took part in Active Nation’s annual Kids ‘Tryathlon’ event at Yarborough Leisure Centre.

More than 300 pupils from eight Lincoln schools tried Active Nation’s annual Kids Tryathlon event at Yarborough Leisure Centre on Tuesday, June 24.

The Tryathlons were first launched in 2011 as Active Nation’s initiative to get children participating in sport and exercise.

The original purpose of the events was to help shape behaviour, attitudes and enthusiasm towards physical activity, with the hope of helping youngsters commit to being active longer term.

The national sports charity decided to make them an annual series of events, with 2,000 taking part across the UK in 2014.

The Tryathlons focus on the ‘try’ element, encouraging all children to participate regardless of ability or experience.

In Lincoln, pupils from Lincoln Castle Academy, Branston Community Academy, Westgate Academy, Ermine Primary Academy, Lincoln Minster School, Hackthorn Church Of England Primary School, Lincoln Teaching and Learning Centre and Our Lady Of Lincoln Primary School took part.

Participating students got to try out new age curling, tag rugby, tug of war, rounders, football, triathlon, archery, wrestling, an exercise class, basketball and athletics.

The Tryathlons focus on the 'try' element, encouraging all children to participate regardless of ability or experience.

The Tryathlons focus on the ‘try’ element, encouraging all children to participate regardless of ability or experience.

This year’s event was supported by Enterprise Rent-A-Car which donated £1,500 and a team of staff to help out on the day.

Russell Murphy, Business Rental Sales Manager, said: “It was a fantastic day and it was great fun for us to be a part of it.

“It is important for our founding values to be involved in local communities and it really was great to see the kids having so much fun and getting active. We hope to come back next year.”

Teacher Rebecca Edwards from Westgate Academy said: “It has been an amazing day. All of the kids have been really encouraged to participate in all of the events by the staff. They have been made to feel really confident in the activities and have worked really well as a team.

“It has been great to get the children out of the classroom and getting active and trying many of the sports for the first time.”

Participating students got to try out new age curling, tag rugby, tug of war and many other fun sports.

Participating students got to try out new age curling, tag rugby, tug of war and many other fun sports.

Westgate Academy Year 6 pupil Nahian said: “We have all had a really good time. A lot of what we have done is new and really, really fun. I’ll definitely be trying some of these new sports again.”