October 6, 2014 9.45 am This story is over 118 months old

In pictures: Lincoln Carholme Gala and West Fest

Community celebrations: The annual Carholme Gala and the West Fest brought together locals and students and marked the outbreak of WWI.

The annual Carholme Gala took place in Lincoln on Sunday, and the addition of the West Fest saw performances from school and university students, musicians and historic speakers.

The events marked the century year of the outbreak of WWI and saw Dr Andrew Walker, formerly of the University of Lincoln give a talk on Lincoln and the war.

A special exhibition was also available to view in the meeting room of the Lincoln Grandstand, which was the officers’ mess of the Royal Flying Corps.

Celebrations on October 5 also included the first West Fest at the Grandstand until 4pm, and guests also enjoyed sports games, a bouncy castle, barbecue and stalls.