October 28, 2014 3.04 pm This story is over 118 months old

Lincoln students clean up Brayford Pool

Lending a hand: Students and staff from the University of Lincoln have spent a day cleaning Brayford Pool.

Students from the University of Lincoln have spent a day cleaning up Brayford Pool and the surrounding areas in a continued community volunteering project.

The Big Brayford Clean-Up was organised by the university’s Students’ Union to make a positive impact on their local community.

The event was also a reaction to the national Make a Difference Day campaign.

Armed with grappling hooks and fishing nets, 15 students made their way to the water’s edge from 10am on Tuesday, October 28.

In addition, six from the LUCK Canoe and Kayak team took to the water to lend a helping hand, with an additional six staff members.

Among items retrieved  from the water were traffic cones, four push bikes and road signs -All in all the items filled an entire skip.

The event followed the success of the 2013 Brayford clean-up in which a number of shopping trolleys, litter and other items were removed from the waterway.

Jane Kilby, the University of Lincoln SU Volunteering Co-ordinator, said: “Local residents appreciated the work done last year and a great time was had by all our volunteers, so we were excited to return to this community volunteering opportunity.”