December 1, 2014 3.04 pm This story is over 116 months old

Lincoln software firm shortlisted for prestigious award

Battling it out: A Lincoln firm is in with the chance of winning a prestigious business award in the technology industry.

A Lincoln IT firm has been shortlisted for a prestigious business growth award from TechMarketView.

Software Europe, based just outside of Hykeham, south of Lincoln, will be fighting it out in the style of BBC’s ‘Dragon’s Den’ to win the title of Little British Battler.

The company will be presenting their business, products and services and competing against 11 other firms around the UK.

The firm, which employs only 53 people locally, has already beaten hundreds of entrants to reach the final. The panel that Software Europe will go up against will be the founders and partners of TechMarketView which researched, reviewed and analysis companies in the IT industry.

Little British Battlers are small but growing IT firms, with annual revenues of up to £25 million, seen to be ‘punching about their weight’ in technology disciplines.

Neil Everatt, CEO of Software Europe, said: “In the past 12 months, our company has grown considerably. Sales of our software into the NHS are raising rapidly. In fact, we have just won our 150th NHS Customer.

“We’ve also recently won contracts with some well-known organisations like DF and Southampton Football Club.

“We’re recruiting great people from around the area to join the team and this, along with our products, will hopefully help us to win the Little British Battler crown.”