July 29, 2015 1.47 pm This story is over 109 months old

Son who killed parents and dumped bodies in Lincoln detained for life

Life hospital order: A schizophrenic who brutally killed his parents before driving their bodies 150 miles and burying them in a garden in Lincoln, has been sentenced to life in a secure hospital unit.

A schizophrenic who brutally killed his parents before driving their bodies 150 miles and burying them in a garden in Lincoln, has been sentenced to life in a secure hospital unit.

Timothy Crook, 51, was found guilty of manslaughter with diminished responsibility at Bristol Crown Court on July 20 for bludgeoning his elderly parents Robert, 83, and Elsie, 76, to death at their home in Swindon in July 2007.

The ex-Ministry of Defence employee, who was cleared of murder, will be detained for a minimum of 16 years in hospital.

Robert and Elsie Crook, who were murdered in their home. Photo: Wiltshire Police

Robert and Elsie Crook, who were murdered in their home. Photo: Wiltshire Police

As previously reported, the court heard that Crook attacked the pair by kicking, punching and stamping on them as well as hitting them with a weapon.

He then crammed their bodies into the back of a Nissan Micra and buried them under a set of wheelie bins at a house he owned in Lincoln.

Crook was arrested eight years ago but had been judged unfit to stand trial due to mental health problems.