August 3, 2015 2.30 pm This story is over 108 months old

National cycling championships boost Lincolnshire’s economy by millions

Economic benefits revealed: More than £2 million was brought into Lincolnshire’s economy by hosting the British Cycling National Road Race Championships in June.

More than £2 million was brought into Lincolnshire’s economy by hosting the British Cycling National Road Race Championships in June, according to a new study.

Figures compiled by Lincolnshire Sport have revealed that over £2.25 million was generated, with the world-class event bringing an estimated 30,000 visitors to the county.

The total amount raised was calculated through an online survey asking spectators, competitors and teams to provide information on their net spend on items such as food, accommodation and transport.

Of those surveyed, 98% said they would return to Lincoln for similar events in the future, with 58% saying they had been inspired to take up cycling or cycle more often as result of visiting the championships.

Photo: Steve Smailes for The Lincolnite

Photo: Steve Smailes for The Lincolnite

Marc Rhodes, Marketing and Events Officer at Lincolnshire Sport, who conducted the survey said: “It was fantastic to have such a high profile sporting event taking place in Lincolnshire and we are delighted to be able to demonstrate the benefits of hosting such events for the local economy and tourism, as well as seeing that many people have been inspired to take up cycling.”

The championships and supporting events attracted visitors from all over the United Kingdom and even as far afield as the United States, enhancing Lincolnshire’s reputation as a location for tourism and elite sport.

Ian Emmerson OBE. Photo: Steve Smailes for The Lincolnite

Ian Emmerson OBE. Photo: Steve Smailes for The Lincolnite

Ian Emmerson OBE, who has stood down from his role as the Lincoln Grand Prix organiser after this year’s championships, added: “The resultant economic benefit to the area of £2.25 million shows what an event of this magnitude can bring to the county and is a fitting return for the support given to the championships by the local authorities and sponsors.

“The return also gained from the many hours of live television coverage and subsequent recorded transmissions is unmeasurable but was publicity for the county that would cost millions to buy.

“The ongoing benefits to the economy will also come from those visiting for the first time and returning in the future plus the health benefits coming from more wanting to take up cycling and other exercise.”

Read our cover interview with the new Lincoln Grand Prix organiser Dan Ellmore in Issue 38 0f Lincolnshire Business magazine.