December 9, 2010 9.50 am This story is over 164 months old

University room ‘occupation’ continues

Holding on: Students have staged a sit-in overnight in protest of upcoming education reforms.

Around 20 students have slept in a University of Lincoln room overnight, after they occupied the area in protest of upcoming education reforms.

As reported on Wednesday, 30 students said they occupied a room in the main building of the university, following a High Street protest earlier in the day.

Overnight the students and local protesters were treated with tea, coffee and pizza from the university’s catering service and local businesses.

They also formulated a list of demands, with some as radical as recalling Lincoln MP Karl McCartney or the immediate reinstatement of EMA for all students.

The protesters also had more reasonable demands such as asking the university publicise the ways in which the cuts will affect staff and students.

This morning around four of the students who stayed overnight in the occupation have departed to London, ahead of today’s vote on education reforms.

MPs are expected to vote on tuition fees increases and new loan repayments schemes after 5pm, so demonstrations are being set up all over the country.

The University of Lincoln previously said it is supportive of the protest, as long as it it peaceful and does not cause disruption.

Protesters say Professor Scott Davidson, one of the Deputy Vice Chancellors at the university, visited them on Thursday morning.

The University of Lincoln Students’ Union did not comment on the occupation, but sources say they are also supportive of the movement.

After 9am, only 10 protesters were left in the occupied room, and right now there is no end in sight for the occupation.