January 14, 2011 10.17 am This story is over 163 months old

Horse & Groom revamp on show

I’ll drink to that: A large canvas outside The Horse & Groom offers passers-by a preview of whats in-store at the public house.

Lincoln pub The Horse & Groom is offering passers-by a preview of what the premises will look like following its refurbishment.

The Carholme Road public house is currently covered in a large canvas advertisement (pictured), showing a new logo, in addition to various images of what to expect once the pub re-opens.

Following its closure in January of 2010, pub owners Enterprise Inns went on to apply for planning permission to improve the building.

The approved planning application will see large umbrellas installed in the garden area, as well as seeing the internal lounge area extended.

Once completed, the pub’s focus will be on serving food—whereas previously the bar has been used as a live music venue and before that, as a gay bar.

Related Report: Lincolnshire Echo