September 1, 2016 3.28 pm This story is over 95 months old

Developers earmark £1m for infrastructure after 280-home estate near Lincoln approved

A new 280-home development on the outskirts of Lincoln has been given the go-ahead by planners at North Kesteven District Council, with the condition that over £1 million is invested in surrounding infrastructure projects. As previously reported, the application for almost 11 acres of agriculture land to the east of Lincoln Road in Skellingthorpe will be…

A new 280-home development on the outskirts of Lincoln has been given the go-ahead by planners at North Kesteven District Council, with the condition that over £1 million is invested in surrounding infrastructure projects.

As previously reported, the application for almost 11 acres of agriculture land to the east of Lincoln Road in Skellingthorpe will be developed in “six distinct character phases” and include affordable homes.

The council’s Eastgate Planning Sub-Committee approved plans at its meeting on Tuesday, August 30.

As part of the decision, a Section 106 Planning Agreement will need to be completed by applicants Taylor Lindsey Ltd. It comprises:

  • £94,408 towards the improvement of the Lincoln arm of the A46
  • £100,000 towards relocating an existing bus stop and the construction of a pedestrian crossing
  • £206,806 for off-site recreational space within Skellingthorpe
  • £310,155 towards additional secondary and sixth form places
  • £300,000 for community cohesion which will go towards a new community hub
  • An affordable housing scheme of 12 homes
Photo: Influence

Photo: Influence

The proposed layout consists of a mix of detached and semi-detached homes, including:

  • 50 two-bed properties
  • 169 three-bed properties
  • 61 four-bed properties
Photo: Landscape Institute

Photo: Landscape Institute

Councillor Shirley Pannell, Skellingthorpe ward member and a member of the committee, said: “The original application for the site dates back more than 50 years so this has been a long time coming.

“What we were left with was a choice between the 207 bungalows that could have been built under the original approval that didn’t have any Section 106 Planning Agreement, or the alternative was 280 homes with a very good planning gain package.

“This was put to residents – Councillor Chris Goldson and I held meetings with them – and we all agreed we would rather have the houses and the benefits that would come with it.

“I think we’ve got a very good deal. This money is going to be used for the good of the village for the facilities we need now, but also those we need for the future when more people are living here.

“We want to build a community hub with a library, heritage centre, café and public toilets and hopefully we’ll be able to incorporate changing facilities for football teams.”

Councillor Mike Gallagher, Executive Board Member for Planning, said: “This is a marvellous scheme and is the way forward.

“It is one of the highest amounts of community benefits a planning application has brought in North Kesteven.”