January 20, 2011 3.03 pm This story is over 163 months old

Police search TK Maxx voyeur and victim

Voyeur: Police are trying to trace the victim of an alleged voyeurism offence which took place in a Lincoln clothing shop.

Police say they need to trace the victim of an alleged voyeurism offence that took place in a city clothing shop.

This happened at around 2.15pm on January 17 in TK Maxx in the Valentine Retail Park on Tritton Road in Lincoln.

A woman was shopping in the store when she noticed a man trying to film up her skirt with a mobile phone.

She alerted staff, but then left the store before the police arrived on the scene. The alleged offender was not arrested.

Police are keen to progress their investigations and they need the alleged victim to come forward and make a statement.

The victim is described as white and in her 40s with shoulder-length straight, dark hair in a bob.

She was wearing a brown jacket and an item of clothing underneath that had a red collar.

The victim, or anyone who may know her, can call Lincolnshire Police on 0300 111 0300, quoting incident number 229 of January 17.

Source: Lincolnshire Police