July 17, 2017 1.11 pm This story is over 85 months old

Dangerous! Peugeot driver cuts across oncoming traffic at busy Lincoln junction

It’s advisable to be aware of your right of way, especially at a junction. But one Peugeot driver seemed to forget this when they turned without giving way to oncoming traffic. The dashcam footage, posted by Idiot drivers in Lincolnshire and the UK on July 15 shows the Peugeot cutting across oncoming traffic at lights…

It’s advisable to be aware of your right of way, especially at a junction. But one Peugeot driver seemed to forget this when they turned without giving way to oncoming traffic.

The dashcam footage, posted by Idiot drivers in Lincolnshire and the UK on July 15 shows the Peugeot cutting across oncoming traffic at lights on the Birchwood Avenue/Skellingthorpe Road junction.

Luckily, the owner of the oncoming car is able to break quickly while the Peugeot continues to drive in front of the car.

According to residents in the area, this is a common occurrence.

Daniel Clifton said: “Always happens there, had a post van do it [to me] a few days ago.”

Jodie Simpson added: “Happens all the time to me.

“There has been accidents there before because of [people] like them doing the same thing.”

Have you caught any footage of lane cutters, dangerous driving or general road rage? Get in touch by emailing [email protected].