August 15, 2017 12.21 pm This story is over 84 months old

Sofa so good: Shock and amusement as couch driven around Lincoln on car roof

A photo has emerged of a Lincoln driver transporting an upside down sofa on the top of their car, with a passenger using their hand to stabilise it. Keily Armstrong snapped the driver of the Ford vehicle before uploading it onto Facebook group ‘You’re probably from Lincoln if…‘ which sparked a mixed response from users. Donna…

A photo has emerged of a Lincoln driver transporting an upside down sofa on the top of their car, with a passenger using their hand to stabilise it.

Keily Armstrong snapped the driver of the Ford vehicle before uploading it onto Facebook group ‘You’re probably from Lincoln if…‘ which sparked a mixed response from users.

Donna Marie Dale, said: “This is so funny, but also very naughty, as long as no one got hurt, that’s the main thing.”

Photo: Keily Armstrong on ‘You’re probably from Lincoln if’

“Great thinking, upgraded car to an eight seater,” commented Sheena Greenfield.

Moreobis Devine was least amused by the image as he posted: “Go on lad! Endanger everyone on the road for a place to park your a**e…idiot!”

Users also drew comparisons from an iconic Mr Bean scene where he travels along a road sitting on top of a sofa on his car.

James Nelson said: “Sorry, I had to,” before posting this image:

“It’s a double decker car. Room for three more on top,” joked Pete Long.