October 30, 2017 12.44 pm This story is over 82 months old

Carved sculpture to be unveiled at Lincoln Castle next week

The event will mark the 800th anniversary of the Charter of the Forest.

A sculpture will be unveiled at Lincoln Castle next week to mark the 800th anniversary of the Charter of the Forest.

The Tree Charter Champion Pole, carved by artist Simon Clements from oak, will be unveiled at an event at the castle on Monday, November 6.

The sculpture will also showcase words by poet Harriet Fraser.

Visitors will be able to gather at the free event at Lincoln Castle at 5pm before a lantern procession at 5.30pm.

There will also be an opportunity for visitors to view the Charter for Trees, Woods and People, written in oak gall ink by calligrapher Patricia Lovett, alongside the 1217 Charter of the Forest.

Between 5.30pm and 8pm, visitors will also be able to take part in a number of activities including:

  • Sign the Tree Charter
  • Speakers’ corner
  • Live music
  • Woodcrafts
  • Artwork by Assemble
  • Historical exhibition of the 1217 Charter of the Forest

There will also be food and drink available at the event. Admission is free.