May 18, 2018 2.09 pm This story is over 75 months old

Babs is going to the royal wedding

Babs walked seven snowy miles to help people

With the excitement building ahead of this weekend’s royal wedding one lucky Lincoln woman has been invited to attend Windsor Castle.

Housing Manager at YMCA Lincolnshire Babs Jobling is among 1,200 public guests invited to attend as Prince Harry and Meghan Markle tie the knot on Saturday, May 19.

The chosen guests will watch people arrive inside the courtyard and listen to a live broadcast of the wedding service, as well as viewing the departure of the bride and groom’s carriage procession.

Babs was chosen to attend for her demonstration of YMCA and Christian core values and supporting the most disadvantaged and vulnerable members of the community.

She has worked at the organisation for four years and helped hundreds of residents at the YMCA hostel on St Rumbold’s Street.

During the bad snowy weather in the city caused by the ‘Beast From the East’ Babs walked seven miles to and from work to ensure those who needed it still received support.

Babs, who is taking her daughter as her plus one, said: “I was really surprised and absolutely honoured to receive the invitation.

“It’s such a special and one off event so to be a part of it is absolutely amazing. To be able to share it with my daughter makes it even more special.”

YMCA Lincolnshire worker Babs Jobling is among 1,200 public guests invited to attend the royal wedding. Photo: YMCA Lincolnshire