November 5, 2019 4.48 pm This story is over 57 months old

Sparkler ‘explosion’ burns another Lincoln man

He bought the same sparklers from JTF

Another Lincoln man has shared eye-watering photos of severe burns he suffered after the sparkler he was holding exploded in his hands.

The sparklers, which have been the cause of a number of complaints in Lincolnshire, have been recalled by JTF.

Pete Morgan, 50, said he was enjoying an evening of fireworks when he started lighting sparklers and passing them to his children.

He held onto the fifth sparkler because it did not seem to light properly until a few seconds later when it exploded.

Just like another Lincoln dad who was badly burned, Pete had bought Turbo Sparklers from the JTF Home and Garden store.

The dad of two told The Lincolnite: “I have never heard anything like it or felt so much pain until that sparkler exploded in my hands.

“I thought it had fizzled out but when it got to the bottom it suddenly just went bang and the flames covered my entire hands.

“Luckily I have some quite tough hands but it could have been so much worse if it was one of my daughters. It ruined the whole night.”

Myles bought Turbo Sparklers from JTF.

He transports cars for a living and will have to work reduced hours because of the pain caused by the sparklers.

When he got to Lincoln County Hospital Pete said that there were at least two other people who had experienced the same problem.

A spokesperson for JTF said: “We are aware of a small number of incidents regarding Turbo Sparklers, which are widely available across the market.

“We have taken the precautionary steps and issued a product recall directly to our customers, as we are able to identify all who have purchased, whilst we investigate.”

Update: ULHT told The Lincolnite the hospital saw “a number of burn injuries from sparklers over the weekend.”

Lincolnshire Trading Standards has also issued a recall notice for the sparklers.