June 23, 2011 10.49 am This story is over 158 months old

Expansion for Lincoln motor dealer

Used cars: A city car dealer is expanding on Tritton Road, on the former car valeting premises.

Lincoln motor dealer Beechwood Motors is expanding after it acquired new city premises to allow for more space to accommodate cars, workshops and customers.

The used cars dealer secured a lease on the former car valeting premises on Tritton Road from chartered surveyors Hodgson Elkington.

The move is set create up to three additional jobs at Beechwood Motors and enable the business to relocate from its present smaller premises on Outer Circle Road.

Charles Proctor, managing director of the family-owned and run business, said: “We have outgrown our current premises and the time is right for us to move.

“We have had to work with 60 cars on a site designed for 30, now we will be able to have 75 cars properly displayed with good customer parking.

“We will also have a well-equipped workshop with six ramps offering MOTs, servicing, quick-fit tyres and exhausts” he added.

Dan Race, partner at Hodgson Elkington added: “We wish every success to Beechwood Motors in their new home, the larger site and location on a busy arterial road into the city centre should help the business go from strength to strength.”

Source: Hodgson Elkington