September 14, 2011 11.39 am This story is over 155 months old

Shooting Star wars with Lava

PR wars: Two Lincoln public relations firms are shooting for the same prize at this year’s regional PR awards.

Who will win the award? Matt Hammerton (left) with Lava PR, or Kate Strawson (right) with Shooting Star PR?

Two Lincoln public relations firms are shooting for the same prize at this year’s regional PR awards.

Shooting Star PR and Lava PR are nominated for best small consultancy at this year’s PRide Awards from the Chartered Institute of Public Relations.

Both agencies are up for the same award of Outstanding Small Consultancy, having 5 employees or less, for the second year in a row. Lava won the 2010 award.

The award recognises the achievements and performance of PR consultancies in the Yorkshire and Lincolnshire region and had over 1,000 applicants.

Shooting Star and Lava offer similar services and work with public sector, local and national businesses in Lincoln and across the UK.

Director of Shooting Star PR, Kate Strawson, is hoping to come away with an award this year but is delighted to be nominated.

Strawson said: “Just to be shortlisted is a fantastic achievement and recognition of all the hard work we’ve put into raising the profile of our clients.”

Managing Director of Lava PR, Matt Hammerton, is looking forward to the awards evening and is proud that Lincoln will be represented so strongly.

“It’s great that there’s another Lincoln agency on the shortlist as it shows that the marketing community in the city is growing, not just in size but in quality,” said Hammerton.

Lava PR is also up for another award for their work for East Lindsey District council’s SO Festival.

The awards will be announced at a presentation dinner on November 17 in Leeds.