December 20, 2011 2.38 pm This story is over 152 months old

Falling Terrace cladding replaced

Revamped: Work on The Terrace has finished, meaning the building now has safer tiling.

Work to replace the loose cladding on The Terrace in Lincoln is finished, making the building safe again.

The work began in October, after parts of the slate tiling fell from the building and on to the pavement.

Studies found the slate tile was prone to delamination, making the slate unsafe.

Scaffolding was placed around the building on Grantham Street to protect the public from the risk of slate falling.

After delaying the building works due to choosing the correct replacement tile (ceramic granite), work began 10 months later than originally proposed.

The council chose the granite eventually due to its affordability, compatibility, weatherproofness and complied with the existing planning documents.

John Latham, Director of Development and Environmental Services at the City of Lincoln Council, said: “We’re really pleased that the work at the Terrace is now complete and we thank the businesses within and visitors to the building for their patience, as the scaffolding has been up for some time.

“We’re very happy with the work. We think it looks great, and with the supplier of the material actually carrying out the work, the finish is really good and high quality.”

The work cost £415,000 overall to replace the cladding, however the City of Lincoln Council says it will be able to recoup a portion of it.

The Terrace is an incubation hub owned by the City Council. It was built six years ago and offers 50 units and conference facilities for businesses and a cafe.

Source: City of Lincoln Council | Photo: Dominic Clark for The Lincolnite