July 29, 2010 12.49 pm This story is over 169 months old

Shakespeare fever hits uphill Lincoln

Shakespeare spirit: Lincoln will host Shakespeare-themed activities and plays for the whole family to enjoy.

Various areas across uphill Lincoln will host the Lincoln Shakespeare Festival 2010 at the end of August, treating the public to various Shakespeare-inspired events, and his famous plays.

The festival will take place between August 27-29, and most of the events will be free, except for the two plays The Merchant of Venice and A Midsummer Night’s Dream.

Events can be found at The Lawn (pictured), St Paul’s Square and The Cathedral Centre to name but a few. The Lawn will even be hosting the plays in true Elizabethan style with an outdoor theatre.

Friday kicks off the festival at 7.30pm with a re-inactment of The Merchant of Venice in the outdoor theatre by Chapterhouse Theatre Company. On Saturday, you can learn how to write like Shakespeare, watch comedic versions of the playwright’s work, discuss his work, and finish the day with An Evening of Shakespeare by Richard Griffith, all for free.

Finally on August 29, the public will most likely spot characters from their favourite plays wandering around Bailgate and Steep Hill and watch breath-taking sword fights. Children are invited to dress up as Shakespearean creatures and characters to join the Elizabethan parade through historic Lincoln. The Festival will finish at 6pm with an open-air production of A Midsummer Night’s Dream.

Tickets for the two plays start from £8 and family tickets are available. You can keep up to date on the Festival’s Facebook Page.

Photo: Brian Photography