December 9, 2016 10.06 am This story is over 92 months old

Stamford inventor builds incredible Star Wars playhouse in back garden

Crazy inventor Colin Furze has built another amazing contraption at his family home in Stamford. To add to his out-of-this-world inventions, which Colin has documented on his Youtube channel, he has now created a 5.5m AT-ATC playhouse. The play den, which towers over his home in Stamford, is the perfect place to watch the new Stars Wars…

Crazy inventor Colin Furze has built another amazing contraption at his family home in Stamford.

To add to his out-of-this-world inventions, which Colin has documented on his Youtube channel, he has now created a 5.5m AT-ATC playhouse.

The play den, which towers over his home in Stamford, is the perfect place to watch the new Stars Wars film: Rogue One – A Star Wars Story, which is due to be released on December 14.

With a massive staircase leading up to the den, this playhouse is a Star Wars paradise, which also features a TV screen, light sabres and Storm Trooper masks.

Photo: Colin Furze

Photo: Colin Furze

Colin said: “Me and the lads have been working on this for a month, through rain or shine and basically what we have done is we have got a model of an AT-ATC and we have scaled it up.

“Everything on the model is the same size as on the playhouse. If you’re a Star Wars fan you’re going to love this”

Photo: Colin Furze

Photo: Colin Furze