August 18, 2010 11.17 am This story is over 168 months old

Chance to tour underground Roman Lincoln

Ancient past: A rare chance to get a glimpse into Lincoln’s hidden past as Posterngate opens up for visitors.

History boffins and enthusiasts alike have a chance to go underground and visit Lincoln’s hidden Roman past. Posterngate will be open for visitors on Saturday, August 21, offering a unique look at the city’s hidden treasures.

During excavations in the 1970’s an old Roman gateway was discovered beneath the Royal Bank of Scotland in Bank Street. A Roman limestone wall was found, which used to be part of the main Southern wall of the old city.

Posterngate was also a gateway for boats to Lincoln’s waterfront. It is believed the route was used by merchants and traders when the River Witham waterside was a bustling port in ancient times.

To help preserve this old part of Lincoln, Posterngate is only opened a few times each year. Tours will start on the hour this Saturday on Bank Street, from 10am to 4pm. Each tour lasts 15 minutes, costs 50p per person, and includes a historical talk.

Source: Lincolnshire County Council