December 4, 2019 2.45 pm This story is over 56 months old

Langtoft 37-home development with 100-plus objections to be refused

Officers say the application will harm the character of the area

A 37-home development which has received more than 100 objections is set to be refused by South Kesteven District Council next week.

Pauline Lighton has applied to build the homes on agricultural land off East End, in Langtoft, knocking down number 22 in the process to create a new access road.

Council officers, however, will tell the planning committee next week that the application has failed to comply with a number of policies and will cause harm to the character and appearance of the area.

They also said the application “lacks information on a number of matters” including drainage and ecology impacts and is located in a minerals safeguarding area.

“The proposed development would result in unacceptable encroachment of built form into the open countryside to the south of the village which contributes positively to the character and appearance of the area and the rural setting of this historic part of the village.”

How the developer wanted to lay the proposals out.

The application has received 102 representations against the proposals, including concerns over the impact on local facilities and infrastructure, increased traffic and safety on the A15 and an increase in anti-social behaviour.

Residents were also concerned about the proposed demolition of number 22 East End which they, and the council, said made a positive contribution to the character of the area.

The letters in support of the application praised its layout and provision of affordable homes as well as increased cemetery space and potential infrastructure improvements resulting from the build.

More than £145,000 had been requested from the developer to improve health and education and the developer had provided eight affordable homes in their plans – though council policy would ask for 13.

A design and access statement submitted to SKDC by the developer said the proposal would “improve the desirability and character” of the area and would facilitate repairs to nearby barns ensuring “their future sustainability for generations to come, thus protecting Langtoft ’ s conservation area”.

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