January 10, 2020 3.10 pm This story is over 55 months old

Famous Brigg artist raises £17k with Koala painting

Hannah Dale was heartbroken to see the devastating effect of the bushfires

A famous artist from Brigg has managed to raise more than £17,000 in just two days with a cute painting of koalas.

Hannah Dale, who is the founder of Wrendale Designs, has offered up the original painting in return for donations to WWF’s Australia appeal.

The artist said she was heartbroken to see the devastating effect of the bushfires on lives, homes, and animals in Australia.

She said: “I have been so overwhelmed with the response so far, I think everyone is looking for a way to help.

“Thank you to everyone who has sent lovely comments and made such generous donations.

“We also have many customers in Australia and just wanted to show our support in any way we could.

“I worked on a National Park in Queensland as part of my university degree and will always feel a connection to the wildlife and rural communities.”

The original target was £1,000 but Hannah is hoping to raise as much money as possible to help those affected

Meanwhile in Lincoln, more than 4,000 people have joined a group set up to knit pouches and mittens for koalas.

Extreme temperatures and months of drought have both fueled the bushfires and killed around 27 people while scorching an estimated 10 million hectares of land.

Recent winds in the country have fanned the bushfires, and forecasters are predicting more heat and dry lightning.

Australian ministers have warned that around a third of New South Wales’ population of Koalas may already be dead.