August 14, 2020 11.25 am This story is over 48 months old

Scunthorpe hospital offices turned into £2m surgical ward

Plus more bed space pre and post-op

Former offices at Scunthorpe General Hospital have been transformed into a new surgical ward after a £2 million refurbishment.

The old offices were housed in an administration block. They were replaced with a bright, light and dementia friendly ward, which will care for surgical patients who are admitted as emergencies.

The works, which took eight months to complete, not only created additional bed spaces but will also help to improve the flow of patients across the surgical and medical floors.

One of the new bays in ward 29 at Scunthorpe General Hospital. Photo: NLaG

It has been transformed into a 25 bed area with four bays and five beds in each, and five single rooms with en-suites.

Ward 25, a surgical ward, has moved into the new ward 29 area. The majority of the hospital’s surgical wards are now located on the same level of the building.

This frees up the ward 25 area, which will be used for further ward upgrades, as well as an additional area if needed as part of the Northern Lincolnshire and Goole NHS Foundation Trust’s plans for winter.

The ward 29 corridor at Scunthorpe General Hospital. Photo: NLaG

Deborah Bagley, deputy head of nursing for surgery and critical care, said: “It is amazing how we have been able to breathe new life into a previous administrative area and bring it back into use for patients.

“The new area will help improve the patient experience as it has a fully climate controlled environment that enables better quality of care for patients, and the area is bright and welcoming.”