January 28, 2013 3.18 pm This story is over 139 months old

Lincoln Cathedral travels across Europe on a lorry

On a lorry: Lincoln Cathedral will be going on tour around Europe shortly in order to promote the city and its heritage across the UK and Europe.

Lincoln Cathedral will be going on tour around Europe shortly in order to promote the city and its heritage across the UK and Europe.

The city’s most iconic building has been added to the sides of a large lorry trailer, and will be taken around Europe by Denby Transport.

The lorry, called Lincoln Lorry, will also be trackable on Twitter with the hashtag #lincolnlorry, where people can tweet if they spot the trailer on their travels.

The Lincoln Lorry is the newest addition to the Denby Transport’s fleet.

The lorry will also be fundraising for the Cathedral’s southwest turret repair fund, as Peter Denby pledged 1p for every mile the Lincoln Lorry travels in its first 12 months.

Peter Denby said: “Lincoln Cathedral has always been very close to our heart – you know you are nearly home when you see it on the hill.

“We recognise that it takes an incredible amount of money to keep on top of the restoration work and over the years we have always tried to support those efforts.

“The idea for the Lincoln Lorry came after seeing the View from St Hugh on the southside of the building and thinking that something similar would look amazing on the side of one of our lorries.

“We are very proud to be part of such an exciting project that will give others the opportunity to share the magnificent view of Lincoln Cathedral, which we so often take for granted.”

Emma Tatlow, Visit Lincoln Partnership Manager, said: “The Lincoln Lorry will act as a powerful marketing tool for Lincoln Cathedral and the wider city.

“With the lorry travelling far and wide across Europe the stunning image of the iconic Cathedral and the Red Arrows will be seen by thousands of people.

“I hope it inspires them to find out more about the city – and ultimately come here for a visit.”