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Could you pass the UK Citizenship test?

Have a go at 24 multiple choice questions

The government’s Life in the UK test is part of the application for British citizenship or settlement in the UK.

The 24-question exam takes 45 minutes to complete, with people required to score at least 75% (18/24). The questions are multiple choice, but just how difficult is the test to pass?

‘The Call Yourself British’ quiz book by Michael Odell includes tests based on the ‘Life in the UK’ book from the Home Office.

We compiled a selection of 24 questions from Odell’s book for you to tackle, so see how you get on:

The Questions (answers are at the end)

1. Which of the following is not a British invention or discovery?

A. The World Wide Web
B. Cashpoint or ATM
D. Traffic lights

2. The British women’s suffrage movement gained a major victory in 1918. Who got the vote?

A. All women over 18 with no criminal record who swore allegiance to the Crown
B. All women over 21 with a husband earning more than £10,000 a year
C. All women over 30 who were householders of the wives of householders, occupiers of £5, or graduates of British universities
D. All married women who owned at least one acre of UK land with one horse at pasture upon it

3. Who was known as the Iron Duke?

A. Napoleon
B The Duke of Wellington
C. Denis Thatcher (husband of Mrs Thatcher, aka the Iron Lady)
D. The Duke of Earl

4. What is the distance from John o’Groats in Scotland to Land’s End in Cornwall?

A. 550 miles
B. 760 miles
C. 820 miles
D. 870 miles

5. The Magna Carta was signed by King John in 1215. What did it secure?

A. A large cart for every free yeoman to put before a horse
B. The King’s right to collect taxes
C. The right to justice for every man regardless of social status
D. The right for every man to own land

6. Which country of the United Kingdom does not have its symbol included in the Union Jack?

A. England
B. Scotland
C. Wales
D. Northern Ireland

7. A million soldiers from which country fought alongside Britain in the First World War?

A. New Zealand
B. Australia
C. India
D. Canada

8. True or false – You must be certified dead before you can donate a kidney in the UK?

9. A new British citizen must swear an oath of allegiance to the monarch and who else?

A. The Prime Minister
B. The Archbishop of Canterbury
C. The monarch’s heirs and successors
D. The chief constable of England and Wales

10. What date is St George’s Day?

A. April 23
B. April 3
C. May 1
D. June 21

11. Why did Henry VIII establish the Church of England?

A. To appoint his own bishops
B. The Pope would not give permission for his divorce
C. His second bride wanted to marry in an English church with English liturgy
D. He didn’t think the Pope was doing a good enough job

12. Who established the NHS in 1948?

A. William Beveridge
B. Bev Bevan
C. Clement Attlee
D. Aneurin Bevan

13. How were the Wars of the Roses resolved?

A. With the Treaty of London
B. A negotiated settlement between Henry Tudor and Richard III
C. Parliament declared Henry Tudor king
D. With a battle at Bosworth Field

14. Who appoints the government in Britain?

A. The electorate
B. The monarch
C. The Prime Minister
D. The media

15. Which TWO nations have a public holiday on their national saint’s day?

A. England
B. Scotland
C. Northern Ireland
D. Wales

16. In what order did Henry VIII marry his wives?

A. Catherine of Aragon, Anne Boleyn, Jane Seymour, Anne of Cleves, Catherine Howard, Catherine Parr
B. Jane Seymour, Anne Boleyn, Catherine of Aragon, Anne of Cleves, Catherine Parr, Catherine Howard
C. Anne Boleyn, Catherine Howard, Jane Seymour, Catherine of Aragon, Catherine Parr, Anne of Cleves
D. Catherine Parr, Anne of Cleves, Catherine of Aragon, Jane Seymour, Anne Boleyn, Catherine Howard

17. Who selects the Archbishop of Canterbury?

A. The House of Lords
B. The King, acting through the Prime Minister
C. The Prime Minister, acting through the King
D. The UK Council of Robes and Prelates

18. Where was the first modern tennis club in the world founded?

A. Wimbledon
B. Harrogate
C. Leamington Spa
D. Manchester

19. What was known as the ‘Glorious Revolution’?

A. The restoration of Charles II as king
B. The overthrow of King James II and accession of William and Mary without violence
C. Sir Isaac Newton’s great contribution to scientific thinking
D. The title of that song by John Lennon

20. Why was Queen Mary known as Bloody Mary?

A. She liked to watch beheadings
B. She persecuted Protestants
C. She introduced an alcoholic drink made from fermented tomatoes
D. Her father Henry VIII gave her the nickname because she was so stubborn

21. What is the name of the constitution of the UK?

A. The British Constitution
B. It has no name
C. The Parliamentary Constitution
D. The Royal Constitution

22. Who took the title Lord Protector in the 1640s?

A. King Charles I
B. Oliver Cromwell
C. King Charles II
D. Richard the Lionheart

23. What is Baroness Tanni Grey-Thompson famous for?

A. She is a Paralympian holding 11 Paralympic gold medals
B. She is a human rights lawyer who headed the European Court of Human Rights
C. She is the owner of Stafford Castle and head of the National Trust
D. She is the head of the British Olympic Committee

24. Which legacy did the Romans NOT leave behind in Britain after their 400-year stay?

A. Public roads
B. Public buildings
C. Christianity
D. Alimentum

The Answers

1. D – Traffic lights
2. C – All women over 30 who were householders or the wives of householders, occupiers of property with an annual rent of £5, or graduates of British universities.
3. B – The Duke of Wellington
4. D – 870 miles
5. C – The right to justice for every man regardless of social status
6. C – Wales
7. C – India
8. False
9. C- The monarch’s heirs and successors
10. A – April 23
11. B – The Pope would not give permission for his divorce?
12. D – Aneurin Bevan
13. D – With a battle at Bosworth Field
14. B – The monarch
15. B & C – Scotland & Northern Ireland
16. A – Catherine of Aragon, Anne Boleyn, Jane Seymour, Anne of Cleves, Catherine Howard, Catherine Parr
17. C – The Prime Minister, acting through the King
18. C – Leamington Spa
19. B – The overthrow of King James II and accession of William and Mary without violence
20. B – She persecuted Protestants
21. B – It has no name
22. B – Oliver Cromwell
23. A – She is a Paralympian holding 11 Paralympic gold medals
24. D – Alimentum (Roman food)

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