September 23, 2010 1.42 pm This story is over 167 months old

Test your comedy skills in five minutes

City comedians: You can now take part in the Lincoln Comedy Festival due to a stage being erected in the City Centre.

People in Lincoln can take part in the Lincoln Comedy Festival next month by using a stage put up in the City Square.

For the third year of the Comedy Festival in the city, organiser Shaun Almey decided to give Lincolnites the chance to perform themselves.

Budding local comedians are invited to spend five minutes wowing their audience, after booking a slot with the organisers.

Almey is encouraging people to come forward even if their pitch isn’t typical comedy.

“Ideally it would be in keeping with a comedy festival, but I’m pretty much open to anything they might want to do.

“The more weird and wonderful the better, but we’re happy to put on stand up, magic, juggling or music.”

The idea was inspired by the 4th Plinth in London’s Trafalgar Square, where the public can use the plinth for whatever they like for an hour.

The annual Lincoln Comedy Festival is an event bringing a range of comedy acts to the city for five days, held at Lincoln Drill Hall or the Engine Shed.

This year, Father Ted star Ardal O’Hanlon, Dan Antopolski, Josie Long and Isy Suttie, known for her role as Dobby on The Peep Show, are just a few of the acts lined up between October 7-12.

The City Square event will be on October 9 from 10am to 12pm, then from 12pm to 5pm at the Drill Hall.

If applicant numbers are high, there will also be a chance to perform on October 10.

Photo: Neil Mallett | Related Report: Lincolnshire Echo