September 24, 2010 11.09 am This story is over 167 months old

Winter grant to keep Lincolnites warm

Winter warmth: You can still get loft and wall cavity insulation for discount prices this winter.

A green grant scheme has been introduced in Lincoln, to help people insulate their houses for the coming winter.

The Home Energy Lincs Partnership (HELP) Insulation Scheme allows all households in Lincolnshire to get cavity wall and loft insulation at a discount.

The over 60s and people on some benefits could also get the installation for free.

By installing the insulation, not only will homes be warmer in winter and carbon emissions therefore reduced, but heating bills could be reduced by £250 or more.

Housing Energy Officer Dave Bowskill said: “This scheme is managed by the seven district councils and the county council in partnership with the Energy Saving Trust.

“There is still a lot of funding available for people to improve the insulation in their homes, so I would encourage everyone to get in touch and see if they can take advantage of this excellent grant scheme.”

Households can have wall cavities fitted for £49, and loft insulation costs £79. To get the scheme discount and have a free no obligation survey call HELP on 0800 512012.

Source: City of Lincoln Council | Photo: Ashden Awards