October 12, 2010 1.31 pm This story is over 164 months old

Fun day set for disabled kids and parents

Connecting families: Lincolnshire Sports Partnership is hoping to engage disabled children and their parents through sport.

Disabled children and their families can have a fun, sporty day out together at the Family Disability Activity Day in Lincoln.

The family day will take place on October 29 at Yarborough Leisure Centre, and aims to get disabled children and their parents engaged through sport.

Activities on the day include wheelchair basketball, new age kurling, boccia, badminton, hockey, powerchair pootball and swimming.

The event is organised by Lincolnshire County Council, Short Breaks and Lincolnshire Sports Partnership, and will continue throughout 2011 as well.

Event organiser Ian Brown said: “The family disability activity days have been organised due to the demand for inclusive sports activities in school holidays.

“We hope [family disability activity days] will encourage children with a disability to take part in sport and physical activity in a comfortable and friendly environment.”

Therese Lord, Chairperson of the Lincolnshire Parent Carer Council, attended the launch event in the summer, and will continue to take part with her children.

“We have not been able to participate in a family event like this before so as a first experience, it could not have been better.

“The added bonus is that you are surrounded by like-minded people who are too busy having fun with sports rather than being preoccupied by the children’s disabilities.

“It was also liberating that we could all have an activity we could do together as a family and the exercise just happened as a by-product!”

Tickets cost £10 for a family of four (with at least one adult), and the event runs from 10am to 4pm. Tickets can be booked from Lincolnshire Sports Partnership by calling 01522 585580 or by email.

Source, Photo Lincolnshire Sports Partnership