October 25, 2010 9.57 am This story is over 170 months old

New cancer consultant for Lincoln hospital

Cancer consultant: A new consultant at the Lincoln County Hospital means more specialised care for cancer patients.

A new consultant specialising in lung, gastrointestinal and testicular cancer and melanoma has begun work at Lincoln County Hospital.

Consultant Oncologist Dr Alfredo Addeo is hoping to provide specialist care to patients with the above forms of cancer.

He said: “The team at Lincoln County Hospital is extremely dedicated and works closely as a unit to be able to offer the best patient care.

“I find it encouraging to see the very positive level of service and care provided by the oncology department staff.

“I am glad to be able to contribute to this in my new role,” he added.

Before joining the staff at Lincoln County Hospital, Addeo completed his specialist training in oncology at University of Turin in Italy in 2005.

He was a consultant for four years at San Giovanni Bosco Hospital in Turin before moving to the UK this year, where he worked at Broomfield Hospital, Braintree.

Source, Photo: ULHT