November 9, 2010 4.07 pm This story is over 170 months old

Garden lurker charged with burglary

Tool shed: A man has been charged with stealing a laptop, cash and tools from two homes in Lincoln.

Lincolnshire Police have arrested a local man in connection with items stolen from two different locations in Lincoln.

Police were called to Wentworth Way (pictured) early on November 6, after a report detailing a lurker in someone’s back garden.

Officers arrested 33-year-old Dale Fairham of Marham Close shortly after attending the scene. After questioning, police also charged Fairham with another burglary.

The other burglary took place between August 19 and August 25 on Lindum Road, where a laptop and cash were reported stolen.

The man has been released on conditional bail, and will appear at Lincoln Magistrates Court on November 23.

Source: Lincolnshire Police | Photo: Google StreetView