November 9, 2010 2.23 pm This story is over 166 months old

TV stylist tells Lincoln to ‘Dress for Success’

Employability: The University of Lincoln is organising several events for job seekers in Lincoln next week.

TV celebrity stylist Mark Heyes is set to appear in Lincoln up to promote employability at a fashion event held at the LPAC Theatre on November 15.

Running from 7pm-9pm, the evening will launch the University of Lincoln’s Enterprise and Employability Week.

Organised by Enterprise@Lincoln, the show aims to inform those in the job market how to dress to impress at work and how to make an impact at a job interview.

Mark Heyes will be presenting the event, giving his expert fashion advice on how to get your image correct for work on a budget.

The event has brought the university together with businesses in Lincoln such as Primark, ASDA Living, New Look, Tesco and Boots, who are all sponsoring the event.

New Look manager, Becki Forbes, said: “I think the event is a good idea. People sometimes try and go for a trendy look that isn’t suitable for work but you can look smart and trendy at the same time.”

Event organiser, Alexander Colman, explained: “We have found from employers that people can often get their clothing choice wrong when it comes to work wear. While sounding trivial this does have an impact on their employability.

Over 50 employers will also attend a careers fair on November 17 at the Engine Shed for job seekers to meet and get advice from a wide range of companies.

Mark Stow, Employment Opportunities Manager at the University of Lincoln, said: “It’s important to recognise that employers are still recruiting and looking to take on talented individuals who can show they have commitment, initiative and ambition.”

Some of the employers include multinational exhibitors such as Siemens and Coca Cola but there are also local names such as Lincolnshire Police and Lindum Group.

Sim Bellandini, whose design company Brand Four has employed five graduates since from the university sees the event as a step in the right direction.

“We set up with the intention to make the most of employing graduates but it there wasn’t much structure to do this at first. Now we have formed good links with course leaders and the university and have benefitted from gaining excellent employees with excellent all round skills who have fitted in really well.

“The careers fair is a great idea so the students and graduates can meet employers and find out first hand what sort of qualites they are looking for,” said Bellandini.