December 15, 2010 10.32 am This story is over 162 months old

Lincoln Bishop says tuition fees hike is against Jesus Christ’s teaching

Opposition: The trebling tuition fees will normalise debt and is contrary to the teachings of Jesus Christ, the Bishop of Lincoln said.

John Saxbee, the Bishop of Lincoln, on Tuesday criticised in the House of Lords the government’s decision to treble tuition fees up to £9,000 per year.

According to a Telegraph report, the Right Reverend (pictured) opposed the fees hike saying it is contrary to the teachings of Jesus Christ.

“The recent financial crisis shows us that policies based on debt are speculative to say the least,” Saxbee said as peers listened in silence.

“We must ask whether the normalising of debt in this way is morally defensible or socially sustainable.

“Surely it is for the sake of the common good that the state uses taxpayers’ money to fund higher education.

“It is the mechanism whereby the common purse funds what is for the common good,” the Right Reverend told the House of Lords.

John Saxbee (64) is set to retire on January 15 after a special service at Lincoln Cathedral with High-ranking churchmen from the Diocese of Lincoln.

Despite criticism from Labour peers, the Church of England and independent figures, to coalition won the crucial vote to rise tuition fees on December 14.

Lincoln MP Karl McCartney voted for the increase in Parliament on December 9, saying “the taxpayer is not an everlasting piggy bank.”

“I know the policy put forward by the Coalition Government is unpopular with some students in the city and I can understand why,” the MP added.

Since December 8, a group students and local campaigners have been occupying a room at the University of Lincoln in protest of the reforms.

The numbers have since withered down to around 20 people, and some of the protesters even ventured down to nearby pubs.