February 28, 2011 3.23 pm This story is over 160 months old

Pensioner knocked into hedge and robbed

Robbed: Police are looking for a man who knocked into a hedge and robbed an elderly woman of her handbag.

An 82-year-old woman was pushed, knocked into a hedge and robbed of her handbag at about 9.50am on Friday, February 25.

Police say she was walking along a passageway on Lenton Green, off Nettleham Road, Lincoln, which leads towards a playing field near Waitrose.

She was pushed and knocked into the hedge and someone then grabbed her handbag. It was black with a zip and contained bank cards and cash.

The offender is described as male, wearing a dark baseball cap and a dark blue material jacket. He cycled off on a pushbike.

Police say the woman was not physically injured, but was understandably very shaken by her ordeal.

Anyone who saw or heard any suspicious activity in the area at the time is asked to contact Lincolnshire Police quoting incident number 144 of February 25, 2011.

Source: Lincolnshire Police