March 9, 2011 3.15 pm This story is over 159 months old

Hospital gets new X-ray equipment

X files: Lincoln County Hospital splash out on new X-ray machines.

Lincoln County Hospital has bought two new X-ray machines to help patients get further improved care.

The £60,000 machines for the Radiology Department, called Philips Endura image intensifiers, create images using X-rays and produces live image feeds.

The images are high resolution, and the machines are design to instantly pull them. Their live images can also be projected using fluoroscopy.

The image feeds can be displayed on TV screens, and are useful during operations. The intensifiers will be used in orthopaedic operating theatres.

In addition to the better images created, the machine can also store, retrieve, manage and present images, so there is no need for paper patient files.

Radiology Services Manager at Lincoln Steve Brown (pictured), said: “These are advanced pieces of equipment that allow for excellent image quality and enhance the accuracy of surgical procedures.

“The two image intensifiers we have introduced to Lincoln County Hospital will make a big difference to the Radiology Department and will mean a more timely delivery of care for our patients.”

Source: ULHT