March 3, 2011 11.09 am This story is over 159 months old

Sharp spike in Lincoln car thefts

Warning: Police are warning city workers not to leave property in their cars after a sharp rise in thefts.

A sharp rise in thefts from cars prompted Lincolnshire Police to warn people working in Lincoln not to leave valuables in their cars.

Two cars were broken into in a car park at the back of Sommerfield, off High Street, on Wednesday evening, March 2.

Thieves smashed the windows of a Vauxhall Corsa and a Suzuki Swift. It is believed that both cars were searched, but nothing was taken.

This follows a series of more than seven thefts from cars in the Tentercroft Street car park. These offences were taking place in the afternoon to early evening.

Windows were being smashed and things like CDs, car accessories and clothing were being stolen.

Police are urging people driving into the city centre to work not to leave any valuables in their cars – it only takes seconds to smash a window and get in.

Very often, even the hint of valuables, like a suction mark from a sat nav on a windscreen, will be enough for a criminal to smash a window and break in to have a look around.

Police are also urging vigilance. Officers want the public to call in with descriptions of anyone acting suspiciously around vehicles in the city centre.

Patrols in all of the city’s car park have been stepped up and extra resources have been pulled in.

You can report suspicious behaviour to Lincolnshire Police on 0300 111 0300 or call independent charity Crimestopers to give anonymous information on criminals operating in your area 0800 555 111.
Source: Lincolnshire Police | Photo:  Timo Newton-Syms